Cottingham Village Links to businesses and events going on the UK's largest village.
Cottingham Times The village's own monthly magazine – free for all residents.
Christian Aid One of the causes the church supports, holding regular coffee mornings and lunches to raise money.
Fairtrade Another cause the church supports, with a Fair Trade stall after our monthly All-Age Worship.
Cottingham Scout Group Cottingham's active scout group, based at the church, with over 100 members. The group joins us at our monthly All-Age Worship.
Cottingham Churches
Christ Church Christ Church is an evangelical church led by Pastor Scott Tones. They meet on Sunday mornings at 10.30am on Endyke Lane, Cottingham.
Holy Cross Part of the Cottingham Churches group, Holy Cross is a Roman Catholic church on Carrington Avenue in Cottingham and is led by Father Frank Gallagher, with Sunday services at 10am.
St. Mary's Part of the Cottingham Churches group, St. Mary's is a parish church part of the Diocese of York in the Church of England, meeting on Sunday mornings at 9.30am.
Zion URC Part of the Cottingham Churches group, and just down the road from Cottingham Methodist, Zion & Newland URC meet each Sunday morning from 10am.