About Us

Weekly Activities


2pm-3pm Weekly Tuesday Fellowship - all welcome. What happens? There's usually a talk (on all sorts of subjects), a sing song, a chance to chat......


2pm-4pm Social Games Afternoon  

Come and have a chat, play tabletop games and socialise over a cup of tea and a cake


10am-10.30 Prayers 

10.45-12 noon Bible Study 

2pm-4pm Coffee and Craft – open for coffee and a chat. Also opportunity to join in with crafts and woodwork. 

Fridays in August

Prayers will continue on Fridays at 10am throughout August, However there will be NO Bible Study or Coffee Afternoons. These will recommence on Friday 6 September.


9-12noon Coffee Morning 

Come along, bring your friends and have a good natter. There will be a bookstall as well as jam, marmalade and pickles for sale.

10-12am Table Tennis!



10.30 am Service - see Services and Events for dates when the service will be held elsewhere

See our Services & Events page for details on our Sunday services plus any extra events which take place within the church. Some weekly activities may not take place during school holidays. For more information on any of the Scouting groups, see their website.
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